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Beyond the debt brake - Towards a more flexible German fiscal policy?
Philippa Sigl-Glöckner on the Debt Brake, German Fiscal Policy, and Full Capacity Utilization
Fiscal policy beyond Germany's orthodoxy: Forum New Economy - VII New Paradigm Workshop
Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar 2021 | Moritz Schularick
Germany's best hope of saving its economy | DW Business
The Prudence Principle – A New Framework for Fiscal Policy
Germany's TOTAL Collapse Begins, The Unexpected Happens
What's Happening in Germany?
Economic and fiscal policy during Germany’s green transformation
Beyond price stability with Daniela Gabor, Christian Odendahl, Philippa Sigl-Glöckner & Adam Tooze
European fiscal rules and the fiscal framework for Germany - what next?